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United Ambassadors is a global education enterprise 

specializing in K-12 and HED leadership development in global affairs and STEM.


Our goal is to empower every student with the knowledge, tools and skills 

to become leaders for society, driving positive impact in their chosen fields. 


Our immersive and innovative programs are designed to propel

graduates towards lifelong success in college, career, and beyond.


10,000+ Global Alumni

Since 2015, over 10,000 students have successfully graduated from United Ambassadors programs. These have included the UA-MUN training workshops held in collaboration with the United Nations, the MUN Academy, the MUN Youth Assembly, and UA-MUNC (the United Ambassadors MUN Conference). Our programs have been held in over 12 cities around the world, including New York, USA, Geneva, Switzerland, London, UK, Dubai, UAE, Moscow, Russia, Kuwait, Cairo, Egypt, and more. 


Graduates of UA-MUNC have entered top schools like Harvard, Stanford, and Columbia. Many have started their own social-impact-driven non-profits. 

140+ Countries of Origin

Global diversity is at the heart of our work. United Ambassadors students and staff have come from over 140 countries of residence and nationality, reaffirming our global mission and core value of global diversity & inclusion.


UA actively sets out to hire staff from all over the world. We invite schools from every continent to participate in our conferences and programs. We take pride in the diversity of our delegate portfolio, and carefully cultivate an inclusive, welcoming, safe, multi-cultural environment that serves as a stepping stone for our participants onto a global platform, and future of global awareness, UN SDG advocacy, and global citizenship. 

Premier, Flexible Locations

The delegate experience is our top priority. Our in-person conference venues are carefully selected to include the most desirable, vibrant locations. These have included the United Nations Headquarters in New York, the United Nations Office in Geneva, elite university campuses, and luxury 5-star hotels. 


Our goal is to maximize the hands-on learning experience, as well as the overall conference experience, ensuring that our delegates go home with unforgettable memories and friendships that  truly last a lifetime.


In-Person, Online, and Hybrid

UA-MUNC and the UA-MUN Workshop are now available in online and hybrid settings. Delegates can join from the comfort of their home, anywhere, anytime.

#1 Goal:
Leadership Development

Delegates at UA-MUNC are immersed in a challenging, fast-paced simulation that stretches their imagination and unlocks their potential. At every one of UA's programs, participants develop crucial life skills including communication, critical thinking, collaborative problem-solving, public speaking, debate, negotiation, research, writing, consensus-building, and teamwork. The leadership skills developed at United Ambassadors propel graduates toward lifelong success in any college or career track.

Real UN Experience

​United Ambassadors offers the world's most accurate, realistic simulation of the United Nations.


Our curriculum was designed in direct consultation with UN experts and staff. Our committees include the General Assembly, Security Council, Human Rights Council, International Court of Justice, Commission on the Status of Women, ECOSOC, and more. Delegates at UA-MUNC and the UA-MUN Workshop interact with UN speakers and learn from top experts in global education.

Preparing for the Future

UA's programs are designed to prepare students for successful futures in college, career, and beyond. Our curriculum was designed by Stanford certified educators with a mission to build global awareness, foster empathy, develop social responsibility, and strengthen leadership skills.


UA-MUNC's academic themes and committee topics are carefully selected to ensure that delegates gain a deep understanding of the most pressing world issues and their possible solutions. Graduates of UA's MUN programs are empowered to embody global citizenship today, and tomorrow.

The United Ambassadors Model United Nations Conference
UA-MUN Training Workshop
Learn how the Real UN functions

Pioneering international conference that offers the most accurate simulation of the United Nations, developed by Stanford certified educators in direct consultation with UN experts and officials. Our curriculum continuously evolves to keep up with the latest trends in international diplomacy It has historically been held at the United Nations Headquarters in New York and Office in Geneva. 


At UA-MUNC, delegates experience the dynamics of global politics and gain a deeper understanding of UN decision-making in a fast-paced and fun-packed environment. Participants actively collaborate with students from around the world who share a similar passion for creating positive change and having impact while analyzing the world's most pressing issues. Through this process, UA-MUNC delegates develop the critical skills needed for success in college, career, and beyond. Skills developed include public speaking, research, debate, negotiation., writing, communication, critical thinking, and collaboration. 


Read more here and here


Hear it first-hand from our delegates! Watch the testimonials below:


Hands-on, comprehensive training institute designed for students hoping to deeply understand how the United Nations functions, and how various decision-making bodies in the UN system operate. 


The workshops are led by Stanford certified educators with the participation of UN experts and staff. The curriculum covers the General Assembly, the Security Council, the International Court of Justice, the Commission on the Status of Women, the Human Rights Council, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, and the Economic and Social Council. 


It is offered on the first 2 days before the start of UA-MUNC and is a highly recommended resource for delegates. 


Read more about UN4MUN, the Rules of Procedure upon which UA-MUN is based here and here


Hear it first-hand from our delegates! Watch the testimonial videos below:

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Watch Now

Our Interview with the UN SDG Action Campaign

Message from the United Nations Youth Envoy

Message from the UN Secretary-General to Model UNs

















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