Understanding the Resolution
Summarizing the “Global MUN Strategy” Discussions & Recommendations
at the World’s First MUN Youth Assembly at the United Nations
A turning point in Model United history was made on August 26th, 2016 in the General Assembly Hall at the United Nations Headquarters. Nearly 300 Model UN youth leaders from around the world - United Ambassadors delegates, observers & staff - as well as United Nations Diplomats and Senior Officials - including the President of the General Assembly - convened to officially launch & celebrate the resolution adopted at the MUN 2016 Youth Assembly at the United Nations. This was the world’s first and only Model UN focused Youth Assembly. The MUN 2016 resolution is a comprehensive collection of 103 clauses that collectively and effectively address how Model United Nations around the world can improve in relation to the agenda items discussed. The resolution was guided and inspired by the United Nations 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development, the United Nations Academic Impact’s definition of “global citizenship”, United Ambassadors’ definition of “Everyday Ambassadors”, the United Nations Department of Public Information’s Model UN Education Outreach Division’s development and launch of UN4MUN, and Security Council Resolution 2250 and the role of youth in promoting peace. References were frequently made to the Charter of the United Nations during discussions. The resolution congratulated conferences already implementing Multilingual MUN initiatives, recognized the commitment of all MUN Societies, Clubs and Organizations towards the development of global awareness and understanding and highlighted the social responsibility of Model United Nations participants and organizers to their local communities.
This report presents a summary of discussions and a logically organized, thematic explanation of the ideas proposed and recommendations made on each of the various “MUN-strategy” topics addressed at the Assembly.