United Ambassadors & The United Nations UN4MUN Programme Present:
UN4MUN Training Workshop - UN in Geneva
27-28 March 2019, United Nations Office in Geneva, Switzerland
The UN4MUN Training Workshop is a comprehensive 2-day training programme co-developed and co-delivered by the United Nations UN4MUN Programme and United Ambassadors. It is designed for Model United Nations (MUN) leaders from around the world and aims to introduce participants to UN4MUN, the Model United Nations platform developed by the United Nations Department of Public Information, which aims to bring MUN simulations closer to how United Nations intergovernmental meetings actually function and to increase the pedagogical value of these simulations in learning about the United Nations’ work and priorities. The workshop will be held for 2 days prior to UA-MUNC Geneva, United Ambassadors MUN simulation at the UN Office in Geneva. For the first time, it wil teach participants how to accurately simulate the Economic and Social Council, the International Court of Justice, the General Assembly, the Security Council, as well as how to organize UN4MUN Crisis Committees (OCHA).

Reasons to attend: The workshop aims to introduce participants to the differences between the Rules of Procedure used at Traditional MUN Conferences, and those actually followed at the United Nations. It will help explain how decisions at the United Nations are made, what the main phases of a General Assembly/ Security Council/ ECOSOC meetings are, how solutions are proposed, and how resolutions are drafted, negotiated and adopted. It will provide MUN leaders or aspiring conference organizers with the tools and information they need to bring their Model UN conferences more in line with the way the United Nations actually works. Training modules include theoretical presentations and engaging practical exercises. Attending the workshop will prepare participants for successful MUN simulations that closely follow actual UN practices and procedures.
Please see workshop program here:
Basic Information:
a. The workshop is co-developed and co-delivered by United Ambassadors and the United Nations UN4MUN Programme.
b. Eligibility: This workshop is ideal for current MUN participants, trainers, students serving in leadership roles in MUN, and MUN conference organizers. However, it accepts all eligible applicants between the ages of 12 and 40.
c. Location: The workshop will be held at the United Nations Office in Geneva, 27-28 March 2019.
d. Schedule: The workshop is scheduled for 2 days in March 2019, right before UA-MUNC Geneva.
e. Principal trainers: Ms. Nabila Elassar, United Ambassadors, and Ms. Antje Kristin Watermann, United Nations.
Registration Fee Includes:
*Full 2-Day Training on UN4MUN from UN official(s) and United Ambassadors.
* Theoretical Training Sessions and Immersive, Engaging Practical Workshops.
*Program Material and Access to Online Resources.
* 2 Day Access to the United Nations Office in Geneva.
*Certificate of Completion upon conclusion of the UN4MUN training.

This logo represents the United Nations UN4MUN Programme. For more information, please visit: outreach.un.org/mun