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About the MUN Circuit in Africa

The Model UN circuit in Africa, is mainly defined by: great potential.

Model United Nations in Africa has a great ability to expand further accross the region. With the continent becoming increasingly connected to other parts of the world as well as a rising youth population, more African youth in Africa are in a very good position to step into the shoes of their diplomats to prepare themselves for the leadership challenges ahead. There are currently a number of old, vibrant and popular Model UN groups in various parts of Africa; MUN programs that we at United Ambassadors sometimes like to call ‘Old but Gold’. Aside from these there are also newly emerging but exciting MUN programs we would call ‘Rising Stars’.

From my personal perspective, some of the ‘Old but Gold conferences in Africa may include:

East African Model United Nations (Kenya) ( )

The EAMUN is over three decades old and based in Kenya. Currently they host an estimated 1,000 participants from countries all over East Africa. The vision is to continue empowering young people and using the program as a platform for positive change. Their conferences are usually held at the United Nations Office in Nairobi.

Kenya Model United Nations (Kenya) (

Kenya MUN is over 13 years old and has approximately 19 chapters in various universities across Kenya. As a Model UN program, Kenya MUN is one of the few that simulate the different organs of the UN and is also run all year round. Since 2002, Kenya Model UN (KenyaMUN) has held its conference annually in the month of March at the UNEP headquarters, Gigiri.

SIIA Model United Nations (South Africa) ( )

Since 1994, the South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA) has been running a Model United Nations programme, with over 150 high schools participating annually in September. As a high school model UN, university students serve as tutors for participating schools to prepare all delegates to ensure that all schools have a fair chance in the programme.

South African Model United Nations (South Africa) (

The South African Model United Nations (SAMUN) is a dynamic Education Africa project based on the principles and format of a UN General Assembly debate. It is about 20 years old and it’s conference once has a history of delegates accompanying President Nelson Mandela to the 50th anniversary of the UN. At the provincial level, over 500 South African High Schools participate in Education Africa's Model UN project.

Nigerian Model United Nations Society (Nigeria) (

The Nigerian Model United Nations Society (NigMUNS) was founded in 2004 and held its first conferences in 2005. NigMUNS is a non-governmental organization, recognized and accredited by the Federal Ministry of Education and Ministry of Foreign Affairs and has a Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council. They have conferences for high school and tertiary students across various parts of Nigeria.

Life-link Model United Nations (Ghana) (

Life-link Ghana has been running the Model United Nations programme for all educational levels; especially basic schools over the past 15 years. The flagship event, the Junior High School Model UN (JHSMUN) is an annual non-residential conference held as part of Ghana’s official events to commemorate UN Day (24th October) every year. Its conferences hosts about 200 delegates from schools across Ghana from both, basic, high school and tertiary levels. The tertiary conference is based on the UN4MUN rules of procedure.

And next to these conferences, one of the Rising Stars in the Africa Region is: Ghana International Model United Nations (Ghana) (

The Ghana International Model United Nations Conference was started in 2010. It is a tertiary level Model United Nations conference held in January every year that draws participants from universities from Ghana and other parts of the world. After conferences, the program also engages in community projects to promote the issues discussed at the conferences and also do charity work dubbed ‘GIMUN Care’.

Dennis Penu United Ambassadors

So, if you're ever looking up conferences to attend in Sub-saharan Africa, keep an eye out for these conferences! And feel free to reach out to me with any questions or clarifications you may have at

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