Success Story from Colombia-MUNC New York 2017- Ana María Mahecha
My name is Ana María Mahecha. I am 21 years old. I am from Bogota, Colombia and I study Government Public Affairs & Economics at University of Los Andes. My first time in an MUN was a few years ago, back in school. Then I decided to participate in another model here in Bogota. And then my first international model was last year at MUN-YA and this current year too.

I recommend this program because is a great opportunity of networking, a great space to share different point of views about the importance of the SDGs and a place where all the ideas are heard. What I loved the most is that in this conference, we got the opportunity to talk about the SGDs which are immensely important to our everyday life. And, also to think how, through our models and our actions, we can contribute to making the world a better place. I remember that in the application of the United Ambassadors, MUNC New York, 2017, a similar question was asked, and I think that my answer is still the same. Last year and this year gave me the opportunity of knowing people from all around the world (knowing better the situation in their countries, interacting and exchanging ideas about subjects, sharing good times, even out of the model). Moreover, having the chance to meet important figures that work at the real United Nations is an honor. From another angle, in my country we speak all the time in Spanish, so in this model, I had the chance of improving my English in New York city. What was my success story?[if !supportLineBreakNewLine] [endif]