Success Story from Switzerland-MUNC New York 2017- William Wegener
I am William Wegener, a nineteen-year-old student studying international affairs - politics and economics - in Geneva. Passionate about philosophy, geopolitics and macroeconomics, I have always been devoting my time to debating, because I do believe that free exchange of ideas and knowledge is a fundamental element to better, more innovative and more feasible solutions to the daily problems that the world, the nations and the citizens are facing.

It was by pure luck that I came across a Model UN Organization in March of 2017, and I instantly seized the opportunity to participate in my first MUN. It certainly was an eye opener for me. I since then have devoted my time and energy to more than four Model UN in less than seven months as delegate, ambassador and chairman.
The UA-MUNC New York City 2017 has surely been a landmark in my young career. Being immersed in the heart of the United Nations world in the Big Apple, I had the fortune of being assigned to the second Committee « female empowerment in global economy ». Moreover I was blessed to meet such friendly and intelligent delegates during the conference and with whom I have kept in close touch. As mentioned in my speech at the General Assembly, we (the committee) grappled with the issue of gender equality, from the bottom of our hearts, to the top and the highest of our skills. And yes, I had the privilege to be selected to deliver a speech during the closing plenary session at the United Nations Headquarters’ General Assembly Hall of Fame. It was one of the most amazing moments in my life and was undoubtedly the conferences’ highlight.
Furthermore, with the committee, we took the conference’s tagline « Let’s Make MUN Change the World» seriously. Besides the fruitful resolution and week, we were determined that our work would take action. Meaning I suggested to build and establish a NGO that would provide students coming from difficult backgrounds with financial aid to participate in Model UN in order to have a more democratic Model UN. Since the resolution in New York we are now in the process of establishing the NGO that would be based in Geneva and would have multiple offices in Hong Kong, Dubai, Bogota, New Mexico and Sofia. And hopefully, more to come.
After a successful and above all a very instructive (enlightening) year I look forward to taking up a new challenge in 2018. Therefore, I would be delighted to organize Model UN, to promote this platform and overall to support underprivileged students through financial aid to have access to international Model UN. I recommend this program (MUNC, New York) because it educates UN4MUN rules of procedures, which are enlightening compared to other Model UN.