United Nations Headquarters in New York, 15-20 August 2018
Model United Nations Conference (UA-MUNC)
Proudly Introducing:
Meet the 2018 General Assembly Officials!
Maria Moukarzel - President of the General Assembly/ MUN_Action Chair
Hell!o! My name is Maria Moukarzel. My school education has been divided between Paris and Beirut, I am currently a Doctor in Dental Surgery and I also hold 2 Masters Degrees in research in oral biology. Furthermore, I am in my second year of Political Science, since this field interests me a lot and is full of culture. I currently work in my private clinic and teach at the dental school, while I majoring in Political Science simultaneously. It would be my honor to be the president of the General Assembly at UA-MUNC New York 2018. I believe a president should be a great listener, aware of details and a leader: He/ she should be ready to help others if necessary, have a sense of organization, be on time and know how to delegate some missions to people around him in a way to create a team spirit. I believe I have experience in public speaking since I give many conferences and I am a Rotary member and occupied the position of Head of the International Committee. I am willing to be a great listener who chooses her words and ready to be there on any official occasion and to help in any way during the conference, for all delegates. I am THRILLED to participate in this MUN because it is my first time at the United Nations Headquarters! I also, it is a conference of a very high level and has a great purpose which makes it a big challenge for me. I would love for you to vote for me, so I can get the chance to be helpful in any way, explore my potential and make sure to make this experience unforgettable and one of the most memorable for all of us! Thank you!

Salma Riffi - Chair of the General Assembly High-Level Summit on Female Empowerment
Hello! I am Salma Riffi, I'm 17, in high school (eleventh grade), I live in Morocco and I am applying to chair the General Assembly High-Level Summit on Female Empowerment. I’m an active member of my school’s Model United Nations (MUN) club, which I created with some classmates last year. In this framework I participated in four Model United Nations (MUN) conferences, in Rabat (2 times), Prague and London, in which I have represented several countries such as Iran (delegate at the special political committee), the United States of America (delegate at Human rights committee), Brazil (ambassador to UN/Security Council) and Bangladesh (ambassador to UN/Security Council). As I mentioned above, I live in a country where even if female emancipation has come a long way in the last decades, it is still an ongoing struggle, which made this committee of AU MUN particularly relevant to my culture’s point of views. As a female, coming all the way from a conservative country, I believe to be adequate for this position, and I look forward to chairing it.

Maryna Karlevits - Chair, General Assembly Third Committee: Social, Humanitarian, and Cultural.
Hello! My name is Maryna Karlevits, and currently, I am a final-year student of International Relations and Politics Department at Odessa National University in Ukraine. I am applying and would like to be elected to the position of General Assembly Third Committee Chair. I'm glad to participate in UA-MUNC because this experience brings every student to the real world politics and brings the understanding of it. This year also I was a part of Socialists & Democrats Party in the Model European Union based in Strasbourg, France. I do believe that the great changes are starting from the small actions that are why I am applying for that position. The questions of social, humanitarian and culture sense respond in my mind and heart very clearly and those cases are extremely important to negotiate about in the modern world. As the citizens of our countries, we are facing with the violation of basic human rights every day, thousands of people are facing with migration and refugees' difficulties, therefore, I do believe that we must pay attention to those issues and be ready to make decisions for solving them. And as a candidate to the position of Chair, I do believe that a successful President/Chair needs to possess the quality of being a good leader in order to be able to represent the General Assembly or his/her Committee on a good level. Also, this person must be a good communicator and negotiator as this position requires the ability to find the compromise, to come to a consensus during discussing extremely important topics. There is must be mentioned the necessity of such qualities as equanimity, that would help to make the necessary decisions, sense of justice and the ability to hear all the opinions and making the conclusions of them. I am ready to take the responsibility in front of all General Assembly and, even more important, in front of citizens of our countries for solving them.
Rasul Mehdiyev - Chair of the General Assembly High-Level Summit on Refugees & Migrants
Hello! My name is Rasul Mehdiyev. I'm 19 years old. I study at Baku State University, Bachelor level, 3rd year. I'm originally from Azerbaijan and I live in Azerbaijan, Baku. I'm incredibly excited to now be serving as Chair of the General Assembly High-Level Summit on the Rights of Refugees and Migrants. Since UA-MUNC NYC will be held at the United Nations Headquarters and the Grand Hyatt Hotel, I believe this event will be something different than any other I have attended. It is very exciting to be a Delegate, and it will more than an honor to be a chair at this unique conference. Since I possess some previous International MUN experience at the UN, I believe I am familiar with the various situations that occur during the conference, and. I think if I am fortunate to be chosen, I can help handle any situations that arise.

Henry-Jackson - President of the Economic and Social Council (HLPF)
Hello! My name is Henry-Jackson. I have 5+ years of work experience in managing non-profit and profit organization in Africa and in Asian and earned a Masters Degree in Business Administration with a specialization in Global Leadership Development from Nagoya University, Graduate School of Commerce and Business. I'm currently the strategic management consultant for ICT Global Link Japan, a non-profit organization based in Tokyo and Nagoya, Japan. I lead ICT in Education effort to foster a commitment to learners that will promote computer education, pro-social friendships, strong interpersonal skills, and reassert a sense of hope in the future for learning in Africa and ASEAN. As a noted social entrepreneur and management consultant, I've helped manage the access to ICT in education in Africa and ASEAN in a number of schools and community centers. Henry-Jackson continues to be passionate about issues of ICT in Education and the inclusive Youth transformation. I've participated in a number of international conferences such as Rome Model United Nations from 2013-2015, during this period, where I served as chair and also led the Japanese delegation. I was also nominated in 2016 to speak at the G7 Youth Summit in Tokyo, Japan and later was invited to participate at the Global Entrepreneurship Summit at Stanford University. Based on my previous work experience with international organizations, I strongly believe that I'm the best candidate for the position of Chair of HLPF ECOSOC. I've gained hands-on experience in non-profit consulting, project management, strategic management, and human resource management. Henry-Jackson believes in the role nonprofits play in addressing the social needs, and he is passionate about providing a turnkey solution to global challenges facing nonprofit sectors.

Oyku Ozbirinci - President of the International Court of Justice
I am Oyku Ozbirinci, a current sophomore in METU College Ankara, Turkey. I began MUN two years ago, but Model United Nations has already expanded my horizons by introducing me to the field of world politics and certain global issues that I might not have otherwise encountered. I was a participant in numerous MUN conferences and my participation in those conferences helped me develop my leadership, teamwork, and negotiating skills all of which will make me a qualified candidate to participate in UA-MUNC 2018 as the President of the International Court of Justice. That way, I will have the opportunity to direct debates between the future leaders of the world. Furthermore, I am the Head of Student Officers as a part of the Organisation Team of MCMUN 2018 which, in my opinion, further highlights my qualifications. I also had the chance to observe many Presidents fulfilling their duties in the ICJ since today, and thus, I know how important it is for the President of the ICJ to fulfil her duties and exercise her powers honourably, faithfully, impartially and conscientiously to be a role model to the other members of the ICJ. I know that the President plays a vital role in the productivity of a court, how fruitful the debates are, and most importantly, the President is the one to maintain the diplomatic atmosphere in the court. The fact that I will have such important responsibilities is what motivated me to apply for the position of ICJ President. By the same token, being a participant in the aforementioned conferences benefited my understanding of the significance of seeing MUN as an opportunity to enact lasting change in the world. This is only possible if and when delegates and other participants work collaboratively, follow the art of diplomacy, and thus, come up with solutions that will lead mankind to the achievement of the interconnected SDGs, which will unite people together by leading them to positive changes both for the planet and themselves. The fact that MUN allows me to make a difference or at least create awareness through these also motivates me to be involved in MUN conferences.